08 June 2010

the other big regional airport

Yesterday my good friend Katie arrived in the US from her home in London. Being as Katie was the one to welcome me to England a few years ago, I called dibs on picking her up from the airport when she arrived for another summer at Johnsonburg.

And then I thought to ask which airport she was flying into.

And it wasn't Newark.

Let's just say, my adoration for Katie Marnham runs deep! I've been to Newark, Philly, Atlantic City and LaGuardia all before, but JFK is out there and quite an adventure to get to. I left camp about 2.30 and arrived at the airport just in time to hear the announcement that her flight had landed, about 4.40. It then took her an hour and 20 minutes to get through immigration, and then took just over another two hours to get back to camp, although we stopped at a diner on the way for a much-needed break.

Driving in and around the city is definitely not on my list of top ten favorite things to do. I love visiting New York, don't get me wrong, but I definitely prefer mass transit. It's really fun to pick people up at airports though, and it's so great to have Katie back in the US!

While sitting in traffic by myself en route to JFK, I was thinking about the end of the summer. My father has offered to drive me all the way to the airport when I head to Malawi. This is incredible to me because:
1. He has always said he would never drive me to the airport if my destination was in Africa
2. Driving to JFK is not particularly enjoyable

(Dad, I'll still think you're a good guy if you change your mind and send me on public transportation! But if you don't take this out, I'm pretty good at getting to JFK now!)

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