02 April 2012

quick drive to visit Spain

as in the tribe, not the country.

I love my people. I know that I am seriously lucky to be related to so many kind, hilarious, wonderful individuals on both sides of my family. This weekend was a Spain weekend though. My cousin Bekea and her family were up from Kentucky, so we gathered en masse for lunch yesterday. It was wonderful to meet her new daughter Bronwen, to congratulate Jon and Janet on their engagement, to see Kathie's girls (even if they still haven't figured out who I am), to see pictures of Tulip and hear how ridiculous she is, and to catch up with everyone a little bit.

Aside from the normal banter and sarcasm though were some words of encouragement that I don't think were meant to be a subtle pep talk, but really lifted my spirits that have been dragging a bit for the past couple of months. (This is not to say that the love that many of you have extended to me has not been appreciated; believe you me, I would not have left my pile of blankets on the couch without your words.) I guess I've developed a reputation as a world traveler? I totally love this. The first question from many of my cousins was, "Where to next?"

The truth is, not too far for a while. I'm heading to Fredericksburg in a week for a quick visit with my cousin and my alma mater. I'll be in Virginia toward the end of the month for a lovely friend's bridal shower and my fourth attempt at the Muddy Buddy. I'm planning hopefully two short trips to the beautiful country to the north this summer (Walpole Island, Ontario and all over New Brunswick in July and August, respectively). These are all wonderful things. (and I guess I'm not giving them enough credit for not exactly being in my backyard...)

What I loved most about the "where to next" was the open endedness of it. Just because next isn't that imminent, doesn't mean it's not going to happen. I don't have any elaborate plans yet, but I'm really excited about leaving my life up to all of these nexts and yets, and really owe a lot of people more thanks than I could possibly express.

Besides giving me things to contemplate and smile about, the Spain family just makes me laugh a lot. So, thanks for that too, guys.

But thanks everyone, Spain or not, for all of the love you've sent my way as I figure out the nexts and the yets of my life. Seriously.

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