29 January 2013

a grand little tour

Sorry not sorry for talking about science at about the 3:50 mark. Sci five!


  1. great to see you awesome one-the vid ends after 13 seconds however!

  2. never mind now it loaded-very nice

  3. Long trail! That's in VT! Also I agree with the mountains making people dizzy at first. It happened to me when I moved here. I miss you tons lets sit and Skype sometime (and have me actually remember this time. Sorry about that)

  4. I started playing this video and Paul asked "wait, are you playing Colleen's video? Because all of the sudden I heard Colleen in our house!"
    1. Awesome.
    2. Isn't the sky so BIG out west?
    3. Your nerdiness is impressive (Paul added "inspiring"). I particularly enjoyed all the trees on your walk.
    4. I feel like after all the work I've done for Marco, I should be an honorary geographer. (Believe me, I've had a lot of nerdy books about cattle and deforestation in Latin American on my bookshelf recently). Still glad I'm an actual archaeologist, though.

    We miss you but it sounds like you're having a good time!!
