01 July 2014

Five Things I learned at GA/as a YAV

I preached at Bayou Blue again this past Sunday. I tried to record it for my parents, but the camera and microphone refuse to work properly at the same time. Sigh. I re-recorded it while sitting in the Tree of Life in Audubon Park yesterday evening (so you can hear the cicadas and crickets!).

Micah 6:6-8
Psalm 148
Romans 15:13
Matthew 5:13-16
Children's sermon: The Lorax by Dr. Seuss


The week before last, I was present at the 221st General Assembly in Detroit as one of the Presbyterian Peace Fellowship’s interns, and I was exhausted. I’m going to tell you more generally about my experience at General Assembly, and how nicely it ties into my year in service here in the Presbytery of South Louisiana.
I received an incredible education from countless organizations, commissioners, advisory delegates and observers in topics concerning environmental justice, peace in Israel/Palestine, and marriage equality issues, among many, many other topics. I learned about church polity, about exceedingly specific grammar, and about how every vote counts.
I felt the heavy sadness of the commissioners rejecting things I poured my energy and heart into, and the intense joy as other acts of just peace and equality were passed.
Of course, there were also the long waking hours and short nights of sleep on the floor of a nearby church, the rushing from plenary to strategy session to commission meeting to briefing dinner and back again, and the endless organization of emails, twitter feeds, mass texts, testimonies, and reflections.
I was exhausted physically, emotionally, and spiritually, but it might be the most beautiful kind of exhausted I’ve ever been. My cup is running over and spilling everywhere. The theme of the assembly was “abound in hope” from the Romans passage I just read, and I left feeling more hopeful about and connected to the church than ever before.
 I was very excited when Rev. Dick and Rev. Kris asked me preach about my time at GA. I decided immediately I would share what I learned about the church there. But the more I thought about what I learned that week, the more I realized that I was learning these things throughout the year through Bayou Blue and the Presbytery of South Louisiana. With just a few weeks left to my term of service, I thought I’d reflect on the entire year, which manifested itself very clearly at General Assembly. So without further ado, the five things I’ve learned this year as a Young Adult Volunteer in this specific church, this regional church, and this national church—
Number 5: Yes, I’m counting down backwards. It’s far more dramatic that way. Number 5: Education is important. Hence why I am preaching on “what have I learned from General Assembly and my YAV year”. Being in the reformed tradition, the Presbyterian Church holds the conviction that what is reformed must always be reforming, hence the need to learn and reassess constantly. The focus on education in our church is a longstanding tradition, dating to the earliest days of Presbyterianism during the Protestant Reformation in the sixteenth century. John Calvin and John Knox, two influential theologians of the time, were both very vocal advocates for free public education. Presbyterians often established local schools in their communities in the colonial days of this country, and later founded 65 colleges and universities as well as ten theological seminaries.
Education has been an important theme for my service in South Louisiana this year. I came to you with both an undergraduate and graduate degree in environmental geography. I love and value these studies very, very much, but could only be so prepared for what I would see and experience here, having never been to Louisiana before. Thankfully, you all and many other stepped in with a phenomenal field education. You had suggestions of which organizations I should connect with. You taught me about the trees that grow here. You taught me about the agriculture, the fishing, and the changing landscape. I am so grateful to this room full of experts, because it was a steep learning curve for me.
Education was also critical at our General Assembly. There were countless opportunities for briefings on all of the issues, from the Presbyteries that sponsored or concurred with the overtures presented, from the many observers from different organizations with different interpretations of the subjects at hand, as well as the option for independent reading and self-teaching as we went along. Different reports were made available to all in the assembly hall, updated as they changed. The leadership of the assembly strived to make sure everyone was informed of what we were discussing.
For me, it was an opportunity to learn a great deal from many perspectives about the issues in Israel and Palestine, a situation that I have never been too well-informed about because of how completely and unimaginably large and long-standing the problems are. I was too intimidated to even ponder where to start. I was finally given a starting point by a group of people who have spent years studying the issues and visiting the region, which encouraged me to read further and ask questions and eventually learn enough to form my own opinions. The little informal education I received was incredibly empowering. Just imagine the impact this church has in so many formal education settings!

Number 4: PC(USA) is a church full of connections and relationships. When I worked for New Jersey’s only Presbyterian camp, I would visit churches and presbytery meetings for all seven of the state’s presbyteries. Not only that, but I worked with people from all over New Jersey for the summer camp program. I met a lot of pastors, church leaders, and young adults in those years. It felt like everywhere I went in NJ, I could find the nearest Presbyterian church and know or at least know of someone in that congregation or Presbytery. It constantly felt like six degrees of separation, or even less most of the time.
That continued as I came to Louisiana. Three of my housemates grew up in New Jersey, and we all crossed paths many times, through that camp, through our churches, and in the case of one, even by going to the same college. We never met before we lived together, but we have many shared people, places, and experiences. Even more small worldly, one of last year’s New Orleans YAV’s was my camper at that summer camp in New Jersey about ten years ago.
Of course, I found a connection in this sweet little congregation here at Bayou Blue. You have treated me like family from the start, always telling me I’m related to you all “by affinity”, but affinity wasn’t enough. About halfway through the year, I found out Miss Billie Robertson’s maiden name was Earp, just like my own name. And let me tell you all—there aren’t too many Earps in this world. So while we haven’t figured out exactly how we’re related, I am absolutely positive that we share a family tree. And since many of you are related to her in one way or another, it seems like you’re stuck with me actually being part of your family.
This incredible network within the church extended easily to Detroit. Aside from running into plenty of people I know from Presbytery of South Louisiana and various presbyteries in New Jersey, I met and served alongside many other people who are familiar with this church. I met Ms. Andree Tarrant, who spent time with you while serving with the Coast Guard in the area after Hurricane Katrina. I saw many of the Presbyterian Hunger Program people who came to visit us and hear your stories just a few months ago. I worked with the director of Stony Point Conference Center, where my YAV orientation took place, and with one of the pastors who I met on the Eco-Stewards trip a few weeks ago—you know, the one where I swam with the manatees, which I like to shamelessly remind everyone about every chance I get.
In the Presbyterian Church, we work to build a great network, a great cloud of witnesses, a great family. It is an incredible group to be connected with.

Number 3: This church includes all of us as ministers, ordained or not. To be a minister means to give service, care, or aid, or act as the agent or instrument of another—in this case, God, Christ and the Holy Spirit. Seminary degrees and ordination help our pastors to do this in a more official manner, but as members of this church, we all get to be instruments of the Lord.       

This kept surfacing throughout my week in Detroit. Sure, many of the people ministering to me are ordained, as one might expect of a gathering of hundreds of church members and workers. There was the pastor from my home Presbytery who recognized me early in the week and excitedly shared updates from New Jersey. There was the pastor involved with Presbyterians for Earth Care who I met in the fall, who encouraged me and included me in her work throughout the week. There were the elders from this Presbytery attending the assembly who brought a bag full of snacks for me, just to cheer me on for being there. There was the college chaplain who offered a hug following a difficult decision on the assembly floor that I was struggling with, and the pastor I met at the Eco-Stewards conference a few weeks ago who sent support via text message, as his flight left before the vote.
But there were so many others ministering to me, acting on behalf of the Holy Spirit and caring for me, without any sort of ordination. There were several former YAV’s working with the Peace Fellowship who provided meals, listening ears, and guidance throughout the week. When I fell ill with a fever on Tuesday morning, they made sure the things I was working on were covered so I could get myself to a doctor. There was the friend with the Peace Fellowship who always seemed to show up with the car keys in his hand when I desperately needed a change of scenery. There was the former camp director who now works in the national church offices who cheered me on for my involvement in the church. Some of the Presbyterian Hunger Program people who visited us a few months ago asked how you all were doing, asked how my work on the coast was, asked how things are in Louisiana. There was a fun group of Peace Fellowship people who ventured to a grocery store ten miles outside of Detroit late at night because they decided we could all use some ice cream. All of these small interactions, all of these bits of encouragement and love—all of these things were forms of ministry, unordained.
This is just like this very congregation. Some of you are ordained as elders, but all of you, yes, all of you, have ministered to me in different ways this year. You have asked about my work, encouraging me as I faced many challenges during the year. You have invited me into your homes for a meal or just to catch up. You have asked how I was doing, settling into Louisiana, so far from my family. You have shown me around your community, teaching me what I needed to know in order to best serve here (see, there’s that education stuff again). You have supported the YAV program since long before I came here, and have been enthusiastic about the program since my arrival. In all of these ways and many more, you have acted as instruments of God, partnering with me in a ministry that is so much bigger than any of us as individuals.
Number 2: This church takes discernment very seriously. This is a word that Presbyterians love. The interview process for becoming a Young Adult Volunteer is one of mutual discernment, that is, I figure out what feels best for me as an individual while the program figures out what is best for it overall, and then we sit and ponder what the best possible outcome of those ideas might be. In my case, it was fairly straightforward: Louisiana was clearly the best option for me. At General Assembly, it was far more drawn out, weighing every possible angle of every possible decision to be made.
Nothing was taken lightly. Every overture was considered by an individual committee with about fifty voting commissioners, plus a dozen or so resource people and advisory delegates. Dozens of people would observe each committee and testify, each with another perspective. Conversations would become tediously long at times, but it would follow rules of order to make sure as many voices were heard and considered as possible.
This year, the GA tried something new and hosted two discussion periods on the floor of the assembly, to make sure that the commissioners had adequate time to learn from each other and consider as many options as possible on some of the more intense overtures, since everyone sat on different committees. Even aside from that time, many of the overtures brought lengthy conversation. No decisions were made without first hearing at least a few carefully selected testimonies for and against the topic. The assembly deliberated for hours over marriage and Middle East issues. It may sound like a special kind of torture, but I was very excited that environmental issues brought an hour and a half of conversation to the floor. There were no snap decisions made. Everything took a great deal of time and energy to make sure that we were doing the work of the church as best we could.
I think this is true here for Bayou Blue as well. It may be a smaller body, so conversations hopefully don’t take as long. I have heard many session meetings called, sometimes last minute, to consider things that need considering. Discernment is important.

And the Number 1 thing I learned at General Assembly and as a YAV this year: I am called to do this work. When I applied to the YAV program, my interviewers noticed I was a few years older than the average Young Adult Volunteer. One of the interview questions was of course something straightforward like, why do you want to be a YAV? It had been five years since I had graduated from college at the time, and I was frustrated that I had not been able to find a full time job despite my best efforts. I wanted to serve as a YAV because I wanted to listen a little more intentionally for that still, small voice guiding me toward the right thing.
It’s hard to hear that still, small voice over ALL OF THE YELLING. Holy Spirit has not been shy with me at all. I absolutely love serving Bayou Blue and the Presbytery of South Louisiana as an environmental conservationist, planting trees and grasses and teaching others why that’s important. But it all came together for me last week in Detroit. Late Friday night, I found myself beyond tired. I was quite miserable for a little while, time I spent alone in the church where the Peace Fellowship was staying. I could not comprehend this exhaustion. It was far more than just being sleepy after a long week of work. It took me a while to realize that I was completely exhausted because I had poured out everything I had, my energy, my heart, and my spirit, over dealing with environmental issues at the General Assembly. I had used every gift God gave to me to do this work for the church. This is not about me liking this environmental work and just wanting to do it because I want to, but because God has given me the right gifts for this work and has guided me to the point that I know I need to use them in this way.
 I focused on education. I spent months learning about the issues in preparation, and many hours present in Detroit to fine tune that knowledge and clarify my questions. I spent time in conversation with individuals and groups, making sure I was as educated as possible as I testified and took part in bigger discussions concerning the church’s relationship with creation.
I built relationships. I spent a lot of time connecting with new people and groups, to make sure that I was reaching everyone I needed to and everyone I possibly could. There was so much encouragement and support.
 I was ministered to by many people. I like to think that I offered some ministry to others as well, not to bring my will about, but to serve God’s will.
 I did not arrive at this lightly, but spent every waking moment possible since then trying to figure out whether this sense of call is completely crazy or not, although some very kind ministers have told me that’s what discernment really is. I’m not entirely sure how this sense of call will play out, but here I am, discerning.
I did each of these things in my role here as your YAV, too, and I was so blessed to have Bayou Blue with me every step of the way, teaching me, befriending me, ministering to me, and entertaining big questions with me. My entire year of service in the wetlands and this church has built up to this.
So here I am, with this sense of call that I need to continue to be a voice for the environment, much like The Lorax I introduced you to earlier, but I need to continue doing this for the church. It’s not that I need to exhaust myself beyond recognition, it’s that as soon as I realized why I was so tired, I felt fulfilled.
When I was commissioned during my orientation in New York before I arrived to Louisiana, the verses from Matthew were used, about being salt of the earth and light of the world. I have tried hard to live that out this year. Salt of the earth: good, humble people just like salt is a good, humble seasoning. Light of the world: we are calling to let our God-given gifts shine and light the way for those around us. I have been shining as brightly as I can all year, but especially in Detroit.
I applied for the internship with the Presbyterian Peace Fellowship because I wanted to go to General Assembly to see the bigger picture of the church I grew up in, and am serving this year as a Young Adult Volunteer. It has been a great opportunity not just to see that bigger picture, but also to connect with it, and it has left me full of hope. I am part of a church that is happening, and I want to continue to be part of that church. In fact, not only do I want to continue to be part of that church, but I am feeling called to be part of that church, to continue to be a loud voice for the environment for that church. That week in Detroit has been full of discussion and discernment as well as opportunities to learn and to love. As a church, we have taken risks to include others and encourage peace, not because they were the easy answers, but because according to Holy Spirit, they were right answers. That exhaustion passed, but I believe this church will continue on. And here I am, part of that picture! Amen.

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