08 August 2010

#369: I'm gonna live so God can use me, anywhere, anytime.

In a dozen days, I leave for Blantyre, Malawi.

This morning was my commissioning service at church. People kept asking me if I'm nervous. To be perfectly honest: nope. That is not even remotely how I've been feeling.

SO EXCITED! That is how I am feeling!

The service was really, really wonderful. I was called up at the same time as all of the children, and I was commissioned during the super cute children's sermon. Our pastor basically gave a little geography lesson! "If I wanted to come visit you at your house, how would I find where you live?" she asked the children. "Google it!" replied one girl. Another kid noticed the globe and the atlas she was holding and suggested checking a map. Another kid caught on and recommended looking for streets on the globe. In my mind, I briefly wondered how to explain the differences in scale of a globe vs. the neighborhood maps in the county atlas, but Tory quickly moved on, explaining that we could use the globe to see where I'll be going in Africa. Then she got to the point, explaining the difference between using a map to find the way to places, versus trusting Christ as The Way to get places. Tory explained that I was once a small child sitting on the steps where they were sitting, and I grew up in the church and now trusting God to show me the way... in this case, the way to Malawi. She then invited the children to take part in the laying of hands along with our deacons, elders and pastoral staff. It was really sweet.

The laying of hands really moved me. There are always so many people who come forward! I really do believe it takes a village to raise somebody. My parents have done a really wonderful job, don't get me wrong, but I grew up at PCTR and was raised by a really large, amazing village. In fact, that village extends beyond my church-- I have countless family members, friends, teachers, bosses and coworkers to thank for helping me to get where I am today. It's true. And I like to think now, I'm part of the village, hopefully influencing my youth and campers and maybe even my peers or people older than I am in a positive way. I'm going to Malawi with Villages in Partnership to help deliver supplies donated by PCTR and the Allentown Presbyterian Church, and for two weeks work alongside the people we're helping. Hopefully I make a positive impact there, expanding this whole village thing to a more global system of positive influences.

A few months ago when our Outreach Commission chose today for my commissioning, I asked our Minister of Music if we could sing #369 (I'm Gonna Live So) instead of #525 (Here I Am, Lord-- the quintessential commissioning hymn). And we did. It was just a really beautiful morning, getting me even more excited about this trip and the work I'll be doing.


  1. Wish I could have been there! I'm just so delighted and excited (and ok, slightly, or more than slightly, jealous) for you. What an amazing opportunity.

  2. Church communities are amazing. I'm so excited for your trip! Sounds like it will be awesome :)
