26 October 2013

Presbyterian Women

This weekend is the Presbyterian Women's retreat at Feliciana Retreat Center. I've now been there three out of the nine weekends I've been in Louisiana. The theme was hymns. I love those. We kind of talked about me being involved with the music a little bit, but it turns out, I'm straight up leading it. All of it.

I do specialize in flying by the seat of my pants. Many thanks to my housemate Kalyn for lending me her guitar this weekend. While there aren't pictures, I assure you the ukulele also most definitely made an appearance.
retreat music leader photo PW1_zps37d50246.jpg

Someone ELSE brought up Guide My Feet, so this happened:

retreat music leader photo PW2_zps2092f9cf.jpg

I also found out, with approximately 24 hours' notice, that I would be leading a session on youth and music. So the flying by the seat of my pants went a step further. I managed to prepare a bunch of songs and explain how I routinely convince Jr. High kids to sing, and talk about how we're all technically children of God, so we can all share music. My presentation went something like this:
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minus the Katie Brendler and the purple jumpsuit. The purple jumpsuit did not come to Louisiana.

We also enjoyed high tea! We even let a man join us (the retreat leader's husband).

high tea photo PW4_zps35ce4120.jpg

Me, snarky? Never.

high tea? photo PW6_zps6b7c44f7.jpg

I'm actually pretty pleased with my hat, but I have no idea what to do with it now, as I don't generally attend tea parties.

my tea hat for the Presbyterian Women's retreat photo DSCF8647_zps26d7726f.jpg

Originally it was going to be my placement supervisor and two other women from Bayou Blue and I, but Kris is recovering from some major hip problems and couldn't handle the car ride. I drove her back from New Orleans, where she'd been stuck all week at a friend's house, unable to drive, and then took her car, a Prius, to Feliciana with the other two women. Driving a Prius is like driving a computer at first, but I wasn't disappointed to arrive 120 miles north having gotten about 50mpg. Here, Miss Jennie, Miss Vicky and I represent Bayou Blue.
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 Pleasant weekend. The weather has been glorious-- but still most definitely not fall...

1 comment:

  1. I could bring the purple jumpsuit to you for future appearances?
